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                             Our Company Was Founded by Mr. Sailesh Singh Baghel (EX-ARMY) 

He has served 20 years in Brigade Of The Guards Regiment of Indian Army. During the time he has done many different types of  special work in army:


  • ADC (Army drill instructor) in Dehradun.

  • AIGMC (Armament instructor gunnery  and missile cource) in Ahemadnagar.

  • UEI (unit education instructor) in panchmarhi.

  • UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) served with 3 PARA Regiment. After completing the one year duration in UN, returned back to the parent unit, Brigade Of The Guards.


                        After completing the one year duration in UN, returned back to the parent unit, Brigade Of The Guards and then did routine duties for few years, and decided to take discharge from service. Then joined Maharashtra Police (Nagpur city police) after serving 7 years He resigned and decided to start his own security agency because he thought that he can do this work better than others. It is with great pleasure herewith we submit our proposal for the provision of security services.

                  We hope that this may be the start of an exciting and productive relationship on what promises to be a worthwhile project. Shambhave Security provide Services in an acclaimed firm of security agents with a reputation for both effective security solutions with the use of innovative technology in the protection of life and property.

                      We are highly privileged in any project which is well suited to our strengths and aspirations. We are extremely interested in undertaking any security project and we very much hope that you consider the Shambhave Security as a strong team for serving highest security.



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